How to keep up with changing technology trends

There are tons of topics and conversations in our industry about IoT trends replacing robots and older hardware compared to digital manufacturing. This is good because technology becomes more and more integrated into every aspect of our lives every day.

How can manufacturers keep up with technology?

However, many have serious concerns, taking a step back from industry trends and looking at actual workers – workers operating machines, answering phones, designing parts, etc. A common problem in the manufacturing industry is: “The world is changing so fast. I am afraid that one day I may find myself out of the loop. ”

This is a legitimate thought these days and is more common than you might think. However, I have great news for you because if your only concern is staying informed, it’s just a matter of finding the best resources to learn from. And because everyone knows and consumes information differently, here are some of the best ways to start learning and keep up with technology:

Include web content

The Internet is excellent. Have you ever heard that? Well, it is. You can stay informed as it becomes available.

This can be done through blogs, podcasts, forums, resources from trusted companies like australian casinos, or a simple search query.

Do you not have time to search for content constantly? Consider setting up an RSS feed to send content to you several times a day from your chosen resources. When you subscribe to a site’s RSS feed, you will receive a headline or update summary for that site.

Maybe you are interested in trends around a few topics? Set a Google alert on these topics (e.g., 3D printing) and email the latest news from multiple sources every time a case is reported, or check out top vendors’ newsletters to subscribe to them. The idea is to find one-stop sources that bring you the latest news and trends, such as sourcing trends, manufacturing and innovation, and supply chain guidance – all from a reliable industry source you can trust.

Follow industry social media accounts

“Is social media not part of the web content?” Yes, but I think we can also agree that social media has become a separate entity.

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are great open platforms for interacting with industry experts worldwide. From the big corporations you admire, to the companies outside your industry that inspire you, to the entrepreneurs who started from scratch, the idea is to follow the relationships of people and companies that cross borders every day and are outside your typical world of news. Reaching out to individual employees in other companies can be a great way to get up-to-date information and learn about their company’s culture. Social media allows you to see what trends are currently hot in the geographic areas and technology industries that matter most to you.

Diversify the content you engage with

Some people digest information better in print than on screen, and that’s okay. You can browse tons of publications – from internal supply management to inbound logistics, from general to niche. Of course, they’re not the same as breaking news on the Internet, but they’re often more conducive to learning and saving the valuable information you’re looking for. It doesn’t matter if you get news via a book, magazine, newspaper, white paper, or academic report. Diversifying the content you read will help you learn more and give you ideas for your own company that others may not yet implement.

Make time for online training

“But I am more of a practical person. I learn more in the classroom, within structure and within deadlines. “Fortunately, there are many ways to do this.

Check to see if there are technology or acceleration courses at your local university. Webinars, online tutorials, and online classes are available at the touch of a button and often for free. The massive open online courses, such as Coursera and EDX, offer courses from an accredited university, which can be held in your spare time. And if your company is looking for in-house training, many companies will be happy to provide on-site training by bringing you a classroom.

Take part in virtual events and webinars

Sometimes the best way to get information is to be on the advertisement itself. Many networking events announce what they plan to highlight and what to expect in the years to come. They allow you to connect with others in your profession and gain insight into upcoming trends. Smaller meetings, such as meet-ups, offer the same benefits as large conferences in a more intimate setting. Connect with people in your industry and beyond. Learning how others work with new technology can benefit you and give you insight into a new product, service, or business that you can implement in your own company.

Collaborate with your teams

Ballistix, a world leader in sales process improvement, says technology should be a tool managed by people, not the other way around. Today, the most successful companies are teams that use technologies such as data analytics, business process improvement, and automation. Check out their tips for taking advantage of the selling opportunities the technology offers here.

Whichever path is right for you, I cannot emphasize one point enough. Information is great to learn but even better to use. Teams should work together on the overall corporate strategy. Don’t let one team update something new without thoroughly communicating its initiatives to the entire company. Please encourage them to adapt and adapt to your business and share the importance of being up to date with technology trends. Make sure you take the time to review your conclusions before implementing your newfound knowledge. Collaborating with other departments in your business will also give you insight into things you may be overlooking. A different pair of eyes can help solve the problem. After all, knowledge is power.

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